Author Archives: Cari

About Cari

Cari Barron, owner and founder of Contractor Hotline, purchased a home in need of various repairs in 2002. The process to find a quality home remodeling contractor proved to be a complex challenge. The first-hand experience was the inspiration behind founding Contractor Hotline in 2006. Connect with her on Google+

Home Emergency Services, Sewage Damage – Post 4 of 6

Winter Storm Damages

Winter Storm Damages

Sewage damage can be a serious health hazard. Immediate action should be taken to first identify the source of the problem. Once identified, necessary measures should be taken to stop the growth and further spread of sewage related contamination by cleaning and disinfecting, followed by thoroughly drying the area with proper air filtration. 

The service professionals we recommend are equipped to provide 24 hour emergency flood and sewage damage clean-up and restoration work, including any necessary repairs or reconstruction.

Home Emergency Services, Water Damage – Post 3 of 6

Winter Storm Damages

Winter Storm Damages

Water leaks in the home can result in costly repairs. In the unfortunate event your basement is flooded, a pipe bursts, or the hot water tank springs a leak, it is important to act quickly to minimize costly, secondary damages. Water should be extracted immediately and the area dried thoroughly to avoid mold and the possibility of having to replace wallboard, insulation, and flooring.

The service professionals we recommend are equipped to provide 24 hour emergency flood and sewage damage clean-up and restoration work, including any necessary repairs or reconstruction.


Home Emergency Services, Roof and Structural Damage – Post 2 of 6

Winter Storm Damages

Winter Storm Damages

Roof and structural damages are common occurrences during winter storms. Those of us who live in the northwest are all too familiar with power outages during windstorms. Damage to power lines and property from fallen trees or limbs is a common occurrence. If you find yourself in the middle of this crisis, you definitely don’t want to have to take time to figure out who best to call. If power lines are involved, immediately contact your utility company. For damages to the roof or other areas of your home the contractors in our network will respond without delay, working efficiently to ensure your home is protected from the elements and repairs are quickly completed.

Home Emergency Services, Gutters & Storm Drains – Post 1 of 6

High tides, wind, and a failed drainage system flooded this West Seattle home

The first day of winter is nearing and with it comes wind, rain, and snow storms. Are you and your home ready for winter? Having a contingency plan and knowing who to call can save valuable time and money when reacting to an unexpected home emergency.

You must act quickly to minimize damages when faced with an unexpected home emergency. We can assist in getting you the right help, right away. You will have plenty to do on your own securing personal items and possibly even safely relocating children, seniors, and pets. Immediately contacting a professional who specializes in home emergencies will help minimize property loss, reduce costly repairs, and help keep your family safe and healthy. Once the emergency is controlled, they can provide a scope of repairs and detailed proposal to submit on your behalf to your insurance company.

We and our team of talented emergency service providers have your back when you least expect it. Over the next week we will post tips to prepare for winter, and if you need them, emergency services we have available to get you through those unexpected moments.

Gutters & Storm Drains

The first step to avoid water getting into your home and causing damage involves some simple maintenance procedures. Keeping gutters, downspouts, and storm drains clear allows water to be properly diverted away from the home. When full of debris or improperly positioned, gutters and downspouts can overflow or divert water to unwanted places, such as along the foundation and into the basement. Some leaks are slow and difficult to detect until they become a bigger problem. Other times, extensive flooding and damage can occur in just a matter of hours during a hard rain.

Cleaning gutters and keeping drains clear is a simple and inexpensive task that can save thousands of dollars in costly repairs. The do-it-yourself type can usually complete the job with no problem. You can also hire someone to help, often for as little as a couple hundred dollars. A small price compared to what repairs could cost by neglecting this basic home maintenance item.

If after taking these steps you discover water intrusion problems it is best to consult with someone who specializes and understands how the drainage system works around your home. Sometimes these systems fail below the surface of the ground and around the foundation and can be difficult to detect without proper investigation.


Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Hanukkah!

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Hanukkah filled with good friends and family. I am grateful this year and every year to have a business I absolutely love and blessed with amazing family and friends and the best customers anyone could ever ask for.

Thank you all!

Second Baptist Church Community Center

Dedication Ceremony & Ribbon Cutting

Dedication Ceremony & Ribbon Cutting

We were fortunate enough this year to have the opportunity to work alongside the Second Baptist Church of Everett in converting  an adjacent warehouse they had purchased several years ago into a Community Center. They have been working hard on this project for many years with the help of their many dedicated members and volunteers, but the project became bigger than weekend workers could accomplish. Construction began Jun 3 and on Nov 17, the church celebrated its open house and ribbon cutting. The new 6,000 square foot building will be used for a variety of community events and services to seniors, youth, and of course members of the church. Project Manager, Pam LeSesne, was an absolute pleasure to work with. Her tireless involvement kept the project moving forward and on budget and she was ever present throughout the entire 5 months. I want to thank our general contractor, Sean Phillips with S. Griffin Construction and all his crew for making a dream become a reality. They did a fantastic job! Thank you Pam, Sean, and the entire Second Baptist Church community for allowing us this opportunity. It has been an absolute pleasure working with all of you.


Pam acknowledges the many volunteers that helped build the community center

Pam acknowledges the many volunteers who helped build the community center

Time for the kids to have fun and enjoy some music

Dedication Ceremony Dinner

Dedication Ceremony Dinner

Dedication Celebration

Dedication Celebration

Fence Staining In October?

Cedar fence, stained and ready for winter

Cedar fence, stained and ready for winter


Exterior painting after September is usually unheard of in our neck of the woods. This fall has been incredibly dry and pleasant to wrap up those last minute projects. Thanks to our talented painters they were able to move quickly and complete this project just last week. Thank you Mr. Stewart for giving us the opportunity!

Everett Fall Home Show Contest Winner!

Tool Kit Contest

Guess How Many Peanuts – Win a Tool Kit!

Congratulations Danika of Bothell! Danika won a tool kit and carrying case from this weekend’s contest at the Everett Fall Home Show. Danika and one other entrant correctly guessed the exact number of packing peanuts (224!). Danika’s name was drawn for the tie-breaker. Way to go Danika!

Thank you to everyone who visited us this weekend. We look forward to seeing you again at the spring show!