Home Design Trends for 2018

If you plan to build a home from the ground up, remodel an outdated home, or add-on to an existing home, it helps to consider the latest trends in home design. The patterns in 2018 focus on functionality, bold colors, and Accessory Dwelling Units.

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)

One trend that has been gaining popularity for several years is turning your basement, attic, or other additional living space into an Accessory Dwelling Unit, or ADU,  for extended family members. The extra living space can include a separate entrance, kitchen, or bedroom to accommodate aging parents or provide a private space for guests. This home improvement project involves more planning and in-depth updates, so it’s essential to hire a certified contractor to guide you in the right direction.

Kitchen Design Trends

Kitchen design trends seem to be continuously evolving. One popular kitchen trend includes open kitchen shelves. Open shelves allow you to show off your dish collection and provide more storage options for larger items. The overall design of the kitchen is elevated and gives it a brighter and more open look.

Smart Homes

Another trend gaining popularity quickly are moves toward a “smarter” home. One convenient way to transition toward a smart home is smart lighting controls. Not only can they be customized to your liking but save energy. There are many different types of “smart lighting.” One example is a light switch controlled using an app from a mobile device, and another is an actual light bulb that controls the brightness and color desired. Installation is relatively simple, so in most cases is an easy DIY home improvement project.

Tankless Water Heaters

It’s about time, but thankfully tankless water heaters are becoming more popular. The gas-fired and electric models utilize space better and provide hot water only as needed. It doesn’t produce standby energy losses associated with storage water heaters, which saves energy and money. The upfront cost is more than a conventional water heater, but the long-term payoff is worth it, and it can last up to 20 years vs the 8-12 year lifespan of conventional water tanks.

Interior Decor Trends

Interior decor varies greatly, but this year oversized furniture, dark colors, and textured walls are all popular trends.

Oversized Furniture

Oversized furniture is an excellent way to fill space in open areas. Make sure accent furniture and wall decor are more modest, as to not overpower the room with too many significant pieces.


Patterned wallpaper and texture are making a comeback. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to update your home’s interior. It also adds dimension to a room. Make sure furniture and accent pieces are more neutral, so the area doesn’t come across as too busy.

Dark Colors

Surprisingly enough, dark, moody colors are transitioning their way into 2018 trends. A dark room allows the eyes to rest, in contrast to bright whites that have been popular for so long. They make a statement and have a calming effect.

House Plants

As society is becoming more conscious about the environment, house plants are making a statement in homes this year. Use larger plants as a color pop or focal point in a corner. It is a simple and inexpensive way to add color and improve the air quality in your home.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with design trends that are always changing. When choosing which direction to follow, make sure it fits the overall space and improves your home’s comfort and functionality. The most important trend is what best serves you and your family’s needs.

What new trends will you bring into your home this year?
