Author Archives: Cari

About Cari

Cari Barron, owner and founder of Contractor Hotline, purchased a home in need of various repairs in 2002. The process to find a quality home remodeling contractor proved to be a complex challenge. The first-hand experience was the inspiration behind founding Contractor Hotline in 2006. Connect with her on Google+

Habitat for Humanity

Dear Friends,

As we approach the end of another year we would like to take a moment to reflect on the past, as well as look forward to an exciting New Year. The past couple of years have been especially challenging for many. Contractor Hotline wanted to do something to help those in need in our communities. After careful consideration we decided Habitat for Humanity was the perfect fit. This nonprofit organization helps qualifying families realize the American dream. Each home is built through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, alongside and with the help of the partner families. Volunteering labor is a really fun way to get involved. Many of our friends joined us and we even found ourselves working side by side with some of the contractors in our network.

To further support this worthwhile cause Contractor Hotline donates a portion of the proceeds from each completed job directly to Habitat for Humanity. This means starting January 2010 every home improvement project you had completed through our service helped benefit families in your community. Our goal in 2011 is to double our proceeds and thus our contributions, and you can help. We and the families who benefit from this humanitarian organization thank you for your continued support. We wish you all the best as we move forward into the New Year.

Warm wishes and Happy Holidays!

Cari Barron