Home for the Holidays

I keep hearing people say, “I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving!” If you are one of them, and you have guests coming to your home for the holidays, you may be wondering how you will possibly be ready in time.

Don’t worry, you can do it! This coming weekend try and get as many of these tips completed. You’ll be amazed what you can do in a day with a little planning and organization.

1. Spruce up the Front Entry. Remember the saying: You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression? This is so true when it comes to your home’s main entrance. Sweep off the entire front porch/entry area from tip to toe. Hose it down if needed. Put away any unused hoses or planters that won’t be needed until spring. Hang a holiday or winter wreath on the front door. Add a festive potted plant or flowers to either side of the entry.

2. Clean the Carpet. Whether you rent a carpet cleaning machine and do it yourself, or hire someone to do it for you, few things can change a homes appearance as quickly and inexpensively as a clean carpet. Your guests will want to kick their shoes off and relax in the comfort of your clean home.

3. Clear out the Clutter and Clean the House. While you are at it, make room in the coat closet for your guests’ bulky coats and scarves. This is also a good time to clean out the fridge. You will be filling it up with a lot of extra dishes and will need to make room for extra beverages and dishes that your guests may be bringing. A few special touches like plush guest towels in the bathroom and scented candles will make your guests feel special and make your home smell inviting.

4. Inventory your Dinnerware. This includes plates, glasses and silverware and make sure you have enough for all of your guests. If you find yourself running short, make arrangements in advance to borrow from a friend or purchase some inexpensive spares.

5. Count your Chairs. Make sure you have enough places for everyone to sit for dinner. If you’re running short on seats at the table and have kids coming, set up a special table just for them. A card table, covered with a nice cloth, and folding chairs will work fine and the kids will have love it!

6. Remember your Pets. Make sure your pets have a safe and quiet place to exit from the festivities. Your bedroom is a good place to move their beds for the evening, and a spare bathroom works great for food and water bowls.

7. Prepare in Advance. Last but not least, do as much of your meal planning and shopping as possible the weekend before. Prepare as many dishes as you can the day before so you can relax and enjoy the holiday alongside your guests.

Have fun and enjoy the holidays!


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